Phantom definition¶

This page, adapted from the original Forbild’s syntax explanation, provides instructions for defining a phantom in the Forbild format in RTK.

  • Each shape is defined in a block enclosed in curly brackets {}.

  • Each shape is specified in square brackets [type : commands] with type in the list below (e.g., sphere, box) and commands the parameters of the shape.

  • Each block must specify the function (attenuation, emission, etc. depending on the context) value of the material with rho.


    [Sphere: x=0 y=0 z=0 r=5]
    rho = 1.0
  • Clip planes and unions (see below) are optional.


Volumes are the building blocks of phantom objects. These represent solid shapes with parameters that define their size, orientation and position. All parameter values are zero by default.

  1. Sphere

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), radius (r).

  • Example:

        [Sphere: x=0 y=0 z=0 r=100]
        rho = 1.0
  1. Box

  • Also known as rectangular cuboid.

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), edge lengths (dx,dy,dz).

  • Example:

        [Box: x=0 y=0 z=0 dx=100 dy=100 dz=100]
        rho = 1.5
  1. Cylinder_x, Cylinder_y, Cylinder_z

  • Cylinder parallel to the x, y or z axis, respectively.

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), radius (r), length (l).

  • Example:

        [Cylinder_y: x=0 y=0 z=0 r=50 l=200]
        rho = 2.0
  1. Cylinder

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), radius (r), length (l), axis vector (axis).

  • Example:

        [Cylinder: x=0 y=0 z=0 r=50 l=200 axis(1,1,0)]
        rho = 2.5
  1. Ellipsoid

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), half-axes (dx,dy,dz).

  • Example:

        [Ellipsoid: x=0 y=0 z=0 dx=100 dy=75 dz=50]
        rho = 3.0
  1. Ellipsoid_free

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), half-axes (dx,dy,dz), orthogonal orientation vectors (a_x,a_y,a_z).

  • Example:

        [Ellipsoid_free: x=0 y=0 z=0 dx=100 dy=75 dz=50 a_x(1,0,0) a_y(0,1,0) a_z(0,0,1)]
        rho = 1.8
  1. Ellipt_Cyl

  • Cylinder with an elliptical cross-section.

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), half-axes (dx,dy,dz), length (l), orientation vectors (a_x,a_y) and principal direction (axis).

  • Example:

        [Ellipt_Cyl: x=0 y=0 z=0 l=150 dx=75 dy=50 dz=30 axis(0,1,1) a_x(1,0,0) a_y(0,1,0)]
        rho = 3.0
  1. Cone

  • Parameters: center (x,y,z), length (l), radii at the base and tip (r1,r2), axis vector (axis).

  • Example:

        [Cone: x=0 y=0 z=0 l=150 r1=75 r2=30 axis(0,0,1)]
        rho = 2.2
  1. Cone_x, Cone_y, Cone_z

  • Cone parallel to the x, y or z axis, respectively.

  • Parameters: center of the base (x,y,z), length along the axis (l), radii at the base and tip (r1,r2).

  • Example:

        [Cone_y: x=1 y=1 z=1 l=120 r1=40 r2=0]
        rho = 2.2

Clip Planes¶

Clip planes can be applied to any volume to restrict their extents.

  • Coordinate-based: x<value, y>value.

  • Plane-based: r(x,y,z)<value.


    [Sphere: x=0 y=0 z=0 r=100 x<50 z>0]
    rho = 1.0

Function value rho¶

The function (attenuation, emission, etc. depending on the context) value rho is defined absolutely in the shape. RTK automatically deduces how much must be added to the current background based on the center (x,y,z) of the shape (e.g. 0.5 if one adds a shape with rho=1.5 in a shape with rho=1). This is order dependent so the same phantom shapes defined in different orders might result in different results. The background of a shape must be defined first.


The union parameter allows taking the union of two shapes. The second shape takes a negative integer value (union=-N), representing an index offset between the current shape and the shape it is being united with. The union parameter is valid only when the two shapes share the same density (rho).


    [Sphere: x=100 y=0 z=0 r=50]
    rho = 1.0
    [Box: x=0 y=0 z=0 dx=100 dy=100 dz=100]
    rho = 1.0