RTK installation¶

Configuration, compilation and installation with ITK¶

RTK is a module of ITK, the Insight Toolkit. Follow the instructions of the ITK software guide (chapter 2 mainly) for configuring and compiling ITK. The following CMake options are RTK specific:

  • Module_RTK: Activates RTK download and compilation. Default is OFF. Turn it ON to activate RTK or compile RTK independently (see below).

  • Module_RTK_GIT_TAG: Git tag for the RTK download. By default, the RTK version which is downloaded and compiled is the one given in the RTK.remote.cmake. Change this option to build another version. For example, you can change it to master to build the latest RTK version. RTK is only maintained to be backward compatible with the latest ITK release and ITK master branch.

  • RTK_BUILD_APPLICATIONS: Activates the compilation of RTK’s command line tools. Although RTK is mainly a toolkit, we also provide several command line tools for doing most of the available processing. These command line tools use gengetopt. Several examples are available in the documentation.

  • RTK_USE_CUDA: Activates CUDA computation. Default is ON if CMake has automatically found the CUDA package and a CUDA-compatible GPU, and OFF otherwise.

  • RTK_CUDA_VERSION: Specifies an exact version of the CUDA toolkit which must be used. If unspecified, RTK only checks if the found version is recent enough.

  • RTK_CUDA_PROJECTIONS_SLAB_SIZE: Set the number of projections processed at once in CUDA processing. Default is 16.

  • RTK_PROBE_EACH_FILTER: Activates the timing, CPU and CUDA memory consumption of each filter. Defaults is OFF. When activated, each filter processing is probed and a summary can be displayed. All command line applications display the result with --verbose.

RTK will automatically be installed when installing ITK.

Independent configuration and compilation¶

For RTK developpers, it may be useful to compile RTK independently from ITK. This is possible, simply:

  • Compile ITK with Module_RTK=OFF.

  • If you want to use CUDA, also activate Module_CudaCommon or compile it separately as RTK in the following two bullet points (cloning its GitHub repository or downloading it as a zip package).

  • Manually download RTK’s source repository from GitHub with git (recommended) or as a zip package.

  • Configure the project with CMake pointing to RTK’s source directory and setting the CMake option ITK_DIR to ITK’s compilation directory. All CMake options above can be set except Module_RTK.

Installation is currently not supported for independent RTK compilations.

Pre-compiled binaries¶

We only provide pre-compiled binaries for the Python package which depends on ITK. Use the following commands to install the RTK module with pip.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install itk-rtk

The same operating systems and Python versions are supported as ITK’s packages, see the list on Pypi.

We also provide pre-compiled CUDA packages for Windows and Linux. They require an installed version of CUDA 11.6. Use the following command instead of the above one to install the CUDA RTK module with pip.

python -m pip install itk-rtk-cuda116

Getting started¶

See GettingStarted.md. Your CMakeLists.txt can now use RTK when importing ITK as shown in the FirstReconstruction’s CMakeLists.txt.