3D projection geometryΒΆ
The purpose of this page is to describe the geometry object used in RTK to relate a tomography to projection images. There is currently only one geometry class, ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry
Degrees are used in the geometry files and to pass angle values to the
member but they are converted to and stored in radians. Angles are wrapped between 0 and 360 degrees.No unit is enforced for distances but it is the responsibility of the user to have a consistent unit for all distances (pixel and voxel spacings, geometry parametersβ¦). Millimeters are typically used in ITK and DICOM.
Image Coordinate SystemΒΆ
An itk::Image<>
contains information to convert voxel indices to physical coordinates using its members m_Origin
, m_Spacing
, and m_Direction
. Voxel coordinates are not used in RTK except for internal computation. The conversion from voxel index coordinates to physical coordinates and the dimensions of the images are out of the scope of this document (see section 4.1.1 of the ITK software guide). In the following, origin refers to point with coordinates \(\vec{0}\) mm (and not to m_Origin
in ITK).
Fixed Coordinate SystemΒΆ
The fixed coordinate system \((x,y,z)\) in RTK is the coordinate system of the tomography with the isocenter at the origin \((0,0,0)\).
This is the mother class for relating a TDimension-D tomography to a (TDimension-1)-D projection image. It holds a vector of (TDimension)x(TDimension+1) projection matrices accessible via GetMatrices
. The construction of those matrices is geometry dependent.
This class is meant to define a set of 2D projection images, acquired with a flat panel along a circular trajectory, around a 3D tomography. The trajectory does not have to be strictly circular but it is assumed in some reconstruction algorithms that the rotation axis is y. The description of the geometry is based on the international standard IEC 61217 which has been designed for cone-beam imagers on isocentric radiotherapy systems but it can be used for any 3D circular trajectory. The fixed coordinate system of RTK and the fixed coordinate system of IEC 61217 are the same.
9 parameters are used per projection to define the position of the source and the detector relatively to the fixed coordinate system. The 9 parameters are set with the method AddProjection
. Default values are provided for the parameters which are not mandatory. Note that explicit names have been used but this does not necessarily correspond to the value returned by the scanner which can use its own parameterization.
Detector OrientationΒΆ
Initial Detector OrientationΒΆ
With all parameters set to 0, the detector is normal to the z direction of the fixed coordinate system, similarly to the x-ray image receptor in the IEC 61217.
Rotation OrderΒΆ
Three rotation angles are used to define the orientation of the detector. The ZXY convention of Euler angles is used for detector orientation where GantryAngle
is the rotation around y, OutOfPlaneAngle
the rotation around x, and InPlaneAngle
the rotation around z. These three angles are detailed in the following.
Gantry angle of the scanner. It corresponds to \(\phi_g\) in Section 2.3 of IEC 61217:
The rotation of the βgβ system is defined by the rotation of coordinate axes Xg, Zg by an angle \(\phi_g\) about axis Yg (therefore about Yf of the βfβ system).
An increase in the value of \(\phi_g\) corresponds to a clockwise rotation of the GANTRY as viewed along the horizontal axis Yf from the ISOCENTER towards the GANTRY.
Out of plane rotation of the flat panel complementary to the GantryAngle rotation, i.e., with a rotation axis perpendicular to the gantry rotation axis and parallel to the flat panel. It is optional with a default value equal to 0. There is no corresponding rotation in IEC 61217. After gantry rotation, the rotation is defined by the rotation of the coordinate axes y and z about x. An increase in the value of OutOfPlaneAngle
corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation of the flat panel as viewed from a positive value along the x axis towards the isocenter.
In plane rotation of the 2D projection. It is optional with 0 as default value. If OutOfPlaneAngle
equals 0, it corresponds to \(\theta_r\) in Section 2.6 of IEC 61217:
The rotation of the βrβ system is defined by the rotation of the coordinate axes Xr, Yr about Zr (parallel to axis Zg) by an angle \(\theta_r\).
An increase in the value of angle \(\theta_r\) corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation of the X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR as viewed from the RADIATION SOURCE.
Rotation MatrixΒΆ
The rotation matrix in homogeneous coordinates is then (constructed with itk::Euler3DTransform<double>::ComputeMatrix()
with opposite angles because we rotate the volume coordinates instead of the scanner):
The following drawing describes the parameters of the source and the detector positions in the rotated coordinate system \((Rx,Ry,Rz)\) (i.e., oriented according to the detector orientation), with its origin at the isocenter, when all values are positive (but all distances can be negative in this geometry):
These 6 parameters are used to describe any source and detector positions. It is simpler to understand the circular geometry when all Offset values equal 0:
Source PositionΒΆ
The source position is defined with respect to the isocenter with three parameters, SourceOffsetX
, SourceOffsetY
, and SourceToIsocenterDistance
. (SourceOffsetX, SourceOffsetY, SourceToIsocenterDistance)
are the coordinates of the source in the rotated coordinated system. In IEC 61217, SourceToIsocenterDistance
is the RADIATION SOURCE axis distance, SAD. SourceOffsetX
and SourceOffsetY
are optional and zero by default.
Detector PositionΒΆ
The detector position is defined with respect to the source with three parameters: ProjectionOffsetX
, ProjectionOffsetY
, and SourceToDetectorDistance
. (ProjectionOffsetX, ProjectionOffsetY, SourceToIsocenterDistance - SourceToDetectorDistance)
are the coordinates of the detector origin \((0,0)\) in the rotated coordinated system. In IEC 61217, SourceToDetectorDistance
is the RADIATION SOURCE to IMAGE RECEPTION AREA distance, SID. ProjectionOffsetX
and ProjectionOffsetY
are optional and zero by default.
Final MatrixΒΆ
Each matrix, accessible via GetMatrices
, is constructed with:
Detector RadiusΒΆ
In addition to flat panel detectors, some of the forward and back projectors in
RTK can handle cylindrical detectors. The radius of the cylindrical detector is
stored only once, as the variable RadiusCylindricalDetector
. The default value
for RadiusCylindricalDetector
is 0, and indicates that the detector is a flat
panel (i.e. infinite radius, but 0 is easier to deal with). When the value is
non-zero, then the flat detector is curved according to the radius and remain
tangent to the corresponding flat detector along the line defined by the
detector origin (0,0)
and second axis of the detector without accouting
for the parameters ProjectionOffsetX
and ProjectionOffsetY
. The latter two
allow to modify the Origin of each projection as is the case for a flat panel.
The cylindrical detector geometry is illustrated in the following scheme:
This scheme is based on the previous one with all offsets equal 0 but this is not required.
Parallel GeometryΒΆ
When SourceToDetectorDistance
is set to 0, the geometry is assumed to be
parallel (i.e. infinite distance, but 0 is easier to deal with). The detector
is then flat. The rays are perpendicular to the detector plane which is
oriented similarly to the divergent geometry. The (plane) source is actually
placed at a distance SourceToIsocenterDistance
from the isocenter and the
detector is placed symetrically around the origin (0,0,0)
at the same
. This is summarized in the following scheme:
In this case, the projection matrix becomes:
can be saved and loaded from an XML file
respectivey. If the parameter is equal to the default value for all
projections, it is not stored in the file. If it is equal for all projections
but different from the default value, it is stored once. Otherwise, it is
stored for each projection. The matrix is given for information. It is read
and checked to be consistent with the parameters but a manual modification of
the file must consistently modify both the parameters and the matrix. An
example is given hereafter:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RTKThreeDCircularGeometry version="3">
-166.5093078829 0 -1531.42837748039 -117056.503295898
-1.01142410874151 -1536 0.0326206557691505 -1011.95001602173
-0.999480303105996 0 0.0322354417240802 -1000
-166.660129424325 0 -1531.41199650136 -117056.831359863
-1.01134095059569 -1536 0.0327174625589984 -1011.87002658844
-0.999477130482326 0 0.0323336611415466 -1000